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19. august 2024


VIDEO (in English): Drifting and spinning wheels are not a violation of the Russian Highway Code. So, young people of Petrozavodsk use the parking lot around the city’s Musical Theatre as a playground for their automobiles of any kind.

On TVflux’s request at the city’s police head quarter the answer is, that as long as no law is violated the police cannot stop the car drifting. But as a police officer tells TVflux:

“There has never been an accident at the parking lot. The only way to stop the drifting, if anyone would like that, is by implementing local administrative laws against it. If that were decided by the city council the police would gladly enforce such a law. Official buildings, like museums, which are closed when the cars are drifting, mostly surround the parking lot. But the noise is admittedly annoying.”

Meet one of the drifters on this video. He is 19 years old and an auto mechanics student. He drives a Russian Lada.

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