Opstandelseskirken i Sankt Petersborg
23. august 2023
TVflux’ reporter Mikkel Schou skrev i dag sådan til Ruslands ambassade i København om den foreløbigt fire måneder lange ventetid på et pressevisum til Rusland:
Dear x,
I see that the Danish TV2 are now in Russia. And I notice that in Denmark they are accused of making Russian propaganda. Very funny, indeed.
I have now waited four months for an answer from Moscow.
You mentioned a “technical issue” connected to my choice of traveling by car from Denmark to Russia. But you did not specify the problem?
Do you know if the border to Russia is open from the Finish side?
Do you know if I can invite a Russian living in Denmark to travel with me? Some say that Russians can not travel through Sweden and Finland.
I do have other things to do professionally. So, I must now inform you that I shall not be able to travel to Russia before November this year.
I am still interested in an interview with the ambassador. This could be about the book: “How the West brought war to Ukraine” by Benjamin Abel.
I would also like to meet with you. I am not satisfied with the waiting for a press visa. Maybe you can honestly tell me whether I am just wasting my own and your time.
Yours sincerely